Jeez, it sucks being the dog in the family ....
The food maker and general caregiver said "Muggins - Boat", this afternoon. I know what that means, I shall go in the sailboat - I shall enjoy the sailboat ... on their terms. I'm okay with that. I've been doing it all summer. I've learned not to bark at passing boats, people and dogs on the shore, loons and various other things that deserve a warning that Muggins is in the area. If I do I'll get water splashed on me. I get it.
I did everything they wanted -- no barking, no growling at the loons. I was so bored, I actually slept. I even did a couple of things for their enjoyment, like standing with my front paws haphazardly on the gunwales ... they seemed to think this meant I'm getting more comfortable on the boat. Yeah, whatever!
All in all it wasn't bad .... until the end. The alpha-male, also known as the captain of the boat, can't even handle a freakin' canoe. All he had to do was put the danged thing up to the dock so I could jump out and be free to pee or sniff or whatever. But nooooo .... he gets close to the dock and as I begin my usual disembarkment, I suddenly find myself in the water between the canoe and the dock. I distinctly saw the front of the canoe touch the dock. I've done this before, I know what I'm doing. I know he was toying with me!
Silly asses giggled like fools for the next half hour. I almost drowned in the wretched freezing waters and all they can do is laugh.
Now I know what it was like for Mr Gryper in the spring when he suddenly found himself helplessly falling into the frigid depths. The whole bunch of the fools giggled then too. I know the captain deliberately did it to him somehow ... Gryper and I, we know what's going on.