Monday, November 20, 2006

Jeez People Aren't Too Bright

Okay so what's the tough part?

If Wendy is in the kitchen, fooling around with food, I sort of jump on her and bump off of her hip. This clearly means "Share." It seems obvious to me. Why, I ask, do I need to repeat myself?

When it's mid-afternoon and there's a lull in the activity, it seems pretty clear to me that when I I sort of jump on someone and bump off of their hip, I'm saying "It's time for a walk". But that too must be repeated.

When Ken is just killing time and I think it's time for a snooze, I jump on him and bump off of his hip. Why must I again, repeat myself? Why does he think he gets to be the one to decide when it's the right time for our daily afternoon snooze.

People think they're so smart ... I've narrowed it down to one way of making my requests and still they act like they don't get it.

Well I'm telling you now, people are not really as bright as they let on !

Tonight at about 9:00 when I start feeling like my "Ten o'clock cookie" I'll stand and stare, the same as I do every night at 9:00. Do you think they'll get it right away? Noooo ... not in your life. Maybe I should start earlier - that might work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you need to try alternative means of communication. A plaintiff whine, might prove effective - certainly works for me.