Monday, March 19, 2007

This is degrading

Okay ... I know there are rules. We all have rules and most are reasonable. This particular rule is most unreasonable.

I am a dog. I have four legs. I stand of all four legs. But I'm required to stand on two feet because of the stupid "Dishwasher Rule" ... this really sucks. I am not allowed to put my feet on the door of the dishwasher to get my head in for a good "pre-wash" of the dishes.

Look how I have to stand. Balancing on two legs isn't easy you know. This is ridiculous. I think there should be a rule against having rules like this.


SusanE said...

Is this really a rule? She's allowed to lick the dishes but she can't touch her foot to the dishwasher.....??????

You guys are too weird. I'm with Muggins on this one.

Fiddling Granny said...

The rule is, anything she ca reach without climbing on the dishwasher is okay.

I fought over the dishwasher with our last dog her whole life and lost. So I figured I'd give in on this one, but not to climbing on it.

The Lexiphage said...

Yeah... you guys are weird. When I get a dog it's gonna be allowed go go anywhere I am not currently having sex or eating.

The Lexiphage said...

Sorry, that should read "to go", not "go-go". I think that probably will be assumed by any right-thinking mammal, but you never know...

Cherylinn said...

Our mini poodles climb right in the dishwasher. Marley gets her entire head in to wash the dishes, problem is she leaves tons of slobber all over the dishes. Gross.